In [1]:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline


mixup can be thought of as a type of data augmentation. It was proposed in mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization to address some basic problems of empirical risk minimization (ERM - essentially, supervised machine learning).

One of the main problems they see is that:

ERM is unable to explain or provide generalization on testing distributions that differ only slightly from the training data. 

Our data constricts what our model is able to learn. Even with complex neural networks the parameters can learn simple decision boundaries.

To overcome these issues they propose mixup:

In essence, mixup trains a neural network on convex combinations of pairs of examples and their labels. By doing so, mixup regularizes the neural network to favor simple linear behavior in-between training examples.
In [2]:
from exp.nb_12 import *


In [3]:
path = datasets.untar_data(datasets.URLs.IMAGENETTE_160) # downloads and returns a path to folder
tfms = [make_rgb, ResizeFixed(128), to_byte_tensor, to_float_tensor] # transforms to be applied to images
bs = 128 # batch size
il = ImageList.from_files(path, tfms=tfms) # Imagelist from files
sd = SplitData.split_by_func(il, partial(grandparent_splitter, valid_name="val")) # Splitdata by grandparent folder function
ll = label_by_func(sd, parent_labeler, proc_y=CategoryProcesser()) # label the data by parent folder
data = ll.to_databunch(bs, c_in=3, c_out=10)
In [4]:
img1 =[100])
In [5]:
img2 =[2100])
In [6]:
mixed_up = ll.train.x[100] * 0.3 + ll.train.x[2100] * 0.7
In [7]:
tensor([[[0.9388, 0.9412, 0.9541,  ..., 0.8929, 0.8929, 0.8929],
         [0.9412, 0.9471, 0.9553,  ..., 0.8953, 0.8953, 0.8953],
         [0.9412, 0.9518, 0.9553,  ..., 0.8953, 0.8953, 0.8953],
         [0.8812, 0.8929, 0.9047,  ..., 0.9329, 0.9082, 0.9071],
         [0.8800, 0.8871, 0.8882,  ..., 0.9000, 0.9118, 0.9059],
         [0.8882, 0.8918, 0.9059,  ..., 0.9082, 0.9141, 0.8988]],

        [[0.9412, 0.9424, 0.9565,  ..., 0.9129, 0.9129, 0.9129],
         [0.9435, 0.9482, 0.9576,  ..., 0.9165, 0.9165, 0.9165],
         [0.9435, 0.9529, 0.9576,  ..., 0.9165, 0.9165, 0.9165],
         [0.8518, 0.8635, 0.8753,  ..., 0.9059, 0.8800, 0.8788],
         [0.8518, 0.8576, 0.8600,  ..., 0.8729, 0.8835, 0.8776],
         [0.8600, 0.8635, 0.8776,  ..., 0.8812, 0.8859, 0.8706]],

        [[0.9412, 0.9471, 0.9624,  ..., 0.8188, 0.8188, 0.8188],
         [0.9435, 0.9518, 0.9635,  ..., 0.8212, 0.8212, 0.8212],
         [0.9412, 0.9529, 0.9612,  ..., 0.8200, 0.8200, 0.8200],
         [0.8153, 0.8271, 0.8388,  ..., 0.8729, 0.8471, 0.8459],
         [0.8129, 0.8188, 0.8212,  ..., 0.8400, 0.8506, 0.8447],
         [0.8200, 0.8235, 0.8376,  ..., 0.8482, 0.8529, 0.8376]]])

In a nutshell:

mixup constructs virtual training examples 
In [8]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x219c46ce700>


The gamma function can be seen as a solution to the following interpolation problem:

Find a smooth curve that connects the points $(x,y)$ given by $y=(x-1)!$ at the positive integer values for $x$

Basically, the gamma function using integral calculus to estimate how a smooth curve would connect the $(x,y)$ values of a factorial function.

Pytorch has a log gamma function which we can invert to make a gamma function.

$$ \text{out}_{i} = \log \Gamma(\text{input}_{i})$$
In [9]:
Γ = lambda x: x.lgamma().exp()
In [10]:
facts = [math.factorial(i) for i in range(7)]
In [11]:
gamma = [torch.lgamma(i).exp() for i in torch.linspace(0,6, 7)+1]
In [12]:
plt.plot(range(7), facts, 'ro')
plt.plot(torch.linspace(0,6), Γ(torch.linspace(0,6)+1))
plt.plot(range(7), gamma, 'g')

Beta Distribution

This is a smoothed histogram of how we are going to sample from the probability distribution:

In [13]:
_,axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,4))
x = torch.linspace(0,1, 100)
for α,ax in zip([0.05,0.9], axs):
    α = tensor(α)
    y = (x**(α-1) * (1-x)**(α-1)) / (Γ(α)**2 / Γ(2*α))
In [ ]:


(string, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'none'`` | ``'mean'`` | ``'sum'``. ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied, ``'mean'``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, ``'sum'``: the output will be summed. Note: :attr:`size_average`
In [14]:

class NoneReduce():
    def __init__(self, loss_func):
        self.loss_func = loss_func
        self.old_red = None
    def __enter__(self):
        if hasattr(self.loss_func, 'reduction'):
            self.old_red = getattr(self.loss_func, "reduction")
            setattr(self.loss_func, "reduction", "none")
            return self.loss_func
        else: return partial(self.loss_func, reduction='none')
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        if self.old_red is not None:
            setattr(self.loss_func, 'reduction', self.old_red)


In [15]:

from torch.distributions.beta import Beta

def unsqueeze(input, dims):
    for dim in listify(dims): input = torch.unsqueeze(input, dim)
    return input

def reduce_loss(loss, reduction='mean'):
    return loss.mean() if reduction=='mean' else loss.sum() if reduction=='sum' else loss  

def lin_comb(v1, v2, beta): return beta*v1 + (1-beta)*v2
In [16]:
class MixUp(Callback):
    _order = 90 #Runs after normalization and cuda
    def __init__(self, α:float=0.4): self.distrib = Beta(tensor([α]), tensor([α]))
    def begin_fit(self): self.old_loss_func, =,self.loss_func
    def begin_batch(self):
        if not self.in_train: return #Only mixup things during training
        λ = self.distrib.sample((self.yb.size(0),)).squeeze().to(self.xb.device)
        λ = torch.stack([λ, 1-λ], 1)
        self.λ = unsqueeze(λ.max(1)[0], (1,2,3))
        shuffle = torch.randperm(self.yb.size(0)).to(self.xb.device)
        xb1,self.yb1 = self.xb[shuffle],self.yb[shuffle] = lin_comb(self.xb, xb1, self.λ)
    def after_fit(self): = self.old_loss_func
    def loss_func(self, pred, yb):
        if not self.in_train: return self.old_loss_func(pred, yb)
        with NoneReduce(self.old_loss_func) as loss_func:
            loss1 = loss_func(pred, yb)
            loss2 = loss_func(pred, self.yb1)
        loss = lin_comb(loss1, loss2, self.λ)
        return reduce_loss(loss, getattr(self.old_loss_func, 'reduction', 'mean'))
In [28]:
nfs = [32,64,128,256,512]
In [18]:
def get_learner(nfs, data, lr, layer, loss_func=F.cross_entropy,
                cb_funcs=None, opt_func=optim.SGD, **kwargs):
    model = get_cnn_model(data, nfs, layer, **kwargs)
    return Learner(model, data, loss_func, lr=lr, cb_funcs=cb_funcs, opt_func=opt_func)
In [29]:
cbfs = [partial(AvgStatsCallback,accuracy),
        partial(BatchTransformXCallback, norm_imagenette),
In [30]:
learn = get_learner(nfs, data, 0.4, conv_layer, cb_funcs=cbfs)
In [31]:
Epoch train_loss train_accuracy valid_loss valid_accuracy time
0 2.419622 0.267610 2.003884 0.324076 00:49
1 1.982678 0.422220 1.704136 0.424968 00:14
2 1.774361 0.503221 1.596484 0.467006 00:14
3 1.602577 0.581265 1.502526 0.529427 00:14
4 1.475780 0.640406 1.448558 0.538089 00:14
5 1.354006 0.704193 1.448375 0.532994 00:14
6 1.246474 0.762066 1.389561 0.565860 00:14
7 1.176728 0.803675 1.386392 0.563567 00:14
8 1.120573 0.831344 1.393681 0.559236 00:14
9 1.072697 0.858697 1.433798 0.550573 00:14
10 1.041581 0.871581 1.363096 0.575796 00:14
11 1.034184 0.884676 1.347319 0.573758 00:14
12 1.011777 0.892280 1.386071 0.560764 00:14
13 0.972182 0.907065 1.342882 0.590828 00:14
14 0.968974 0.910761 1.318770 0.588535 00:14
15 0.952009 0.914563 1.327888 0.584459 00:15
16 0.929648 0.920794 1.318158 0.588535 00:14
17 0.951029 0.913930 1.335365 0.581656 00:14
18 0.946511 0.922167 1.298219 0.595159 00:14
19 0.929355 0.922590 1.293429 0.597452 00:14

Let's change the mixup alpha parameter:

In [34]:
cbfs = [partial(AvgStatsCallback,accuracy),
        partial(BatchTransformXCallback, norm_imagenette),
        partial(MixUp, α=0.8)]
In [35]:
learn = get_learner(nfs, data, 0.3, conv_layer, cb_funcs=cbfs)
In [36]:
Epoch train_loss train_accuracy valid_loss valid_accuracy time
0 2.243384 0.286831 1.991623 0.365096 00:14
1 1.989007 0.410709 1.719718 0.429554 00:14
2 1.851590 0.470377 1.516430 0.495796 00:14
3 1.746321 0.531630 1.525054 0.508280 00:14
4 1.653273 0.583694 1.374568 0.553885 00:14
5 1.579662 0.636076 1.403818 0.558981 00:14
6 1.512453 0.674728 1.360479 0.559490 00:14
7 1.450433 0.707044 1.396608 0.555669 00:14
8 1.395506 0.745485 1.394769 0.553885 00:14
9 1.354163 0.774844 1.349654 0.563567 00:14
10 1.321059 0.788045 1.368358 0.559745 00:14
11 1.297696 0.808956 1.346256 0.575796 00:14
12 1.263495 0.823741 1.363420 0.568153 00:14
13 1.235388 0.836519 1.353743 0.577070 00:14
14 1.230243 0.849826 1.329526 0.579618 00:14
15 1.217814 0.851199 1.299506 0.593121 00:14
16 1.202299 0.855951 1.325666 0.583439 00:14
17 1.179805 0.863872 1.336151 0.578344 00:14
18 1.171918 0.870947 1.318313 0.583439 00:14
19 1.166800 0.873587 1.303093 0.590573 00:14
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [22]: